Chris Evans Sounds Like He’s Ready to Hand Over the Role of Captain America

So, in a relatively recent gaggle of interviews, actor Chris Evans sort of, well, “waffled” back and forth regarding his future portrayal of Marvel’s high-ranking super-soldier, Captain America. You see, the young actor’s contract runs out after Avengers 4, which follows Avengers: Infinity War, which might result in one (or more) Avenger-types biting the big one at the hand (or bejeweled gauntlet) of Thanos. Anyway, there are interviews where Evans seems confident — and grateful — that his portrayal will continue, and others where he’s resigned to accept the end of his career as the good, flag-patterned captain. This recent interview shared by our friends at USA Today fits perfectly in the latter camp.
“I’d be lying if I said it wouldn’t be hard for me,” Evans admitted when asked about parting from the role. “But the passing of time and the passing of torches is part of the experience. Nothing lasts forever. There’s a beauty in that departure, even if it can be sad at times. It’s also joyful. I’ve had a great run. Superheroes are reinventable entities, like Batman or even James Bond. These movies find new incarnations and new ways to tell the story. I am all for it. However they want to proceed after ‘Avengers 4,’ it’s really up to them. I walk away with no regrets and endlessly thankful.”
So, is this Chris Evans negotiating his contract in public? Speaking as if he’s ready to leave to effectively incite a larger, “PLEASE DON”T GO” bonus and an additional handful of guaranteed films? I mean, the guy is absolutely bankable, considering the Captain America films, and yes, the Avengers, were bonafide super-successes.
Of course, this could be a genuine realization that his tenure is indeed up, and Marvel might have plans in motion to facilitate his replacement.
So….what do you think?