Hugh Jackman Talks Wolverine 3; Teases “Stuff” Coming out This Week!

Wolverine 3 will be Hugh Jackman’s last “stab” at the feral mutant when the third and final standalone film hits theaters on March 3rd, 2017. Besides the occasional flurry of set images featuring Wolverine pushing around a particularly convalescent Professor X, the media push has been….severely lacking. Hell, we don’t even know the title of the damn thing yet, and like a bunch of mouth-breathing soft-skulls, we have to continually proclaim it “Wolverine 3″ when it’s obviously going to be called something else! Anyway, it seems there’s a forthcoming break in the severe lack of poster, trailers, interviews, or any sort of supportive media regarding the film’s release.
Our good friends at Entertainment Weekly caught up with Jackman during the 95th anniversary of Hollywood’s Night Under the Stars on Sunday and asked him to divulge something regarding the forthcoming, not liberally mentioned Wolverine film.
“We finished shooting. I just saw James Mangold today, he’s editing away and finishing that. I’m very, very excited about it. There’s going to be some stuff coming out in the next week or so, that’s all I’ll say. I’m really trying – I’m not good, I’m the kind of person who tells everybody everything. Basically, it’s going to be very different. Very different in tone and hopefully, very different from anything that we’ve done.”
“Stuff coming out in the next week or so.” Hmmmm. Something tells me we might be getting our first trailer, or teaser trailer. And no, it’s not too soon; Wolverine 3 is hitting theaters in less than 5 months!
Check out the full interview below!
Wolverine 3 currently has a release date of March 3rd, 2017 and stars Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Boyd Holbrook, Richard E. Grant, Stephen Merchant, Eriq La Salle and Elise Neal.