CW’s Legends of Tomorrow Casts Stargirl!

You’re aware the purposely time displaced Legends of Tomorrow gang is meeting up with DC’s classic superhero team, the Justice Society of America, during the first few episodes of its sophomore season on The CW! You’re also aware the JSA lineup will include Society stalwarts Hourman, Stargirl, Obsidian, and Dr. Mid-Nite. Well, the casting is underway for these legendary mystery men and women, and the role of Stargirl has recently been filled; say hello to Power Rangers actress Sarah Grey as the Cosmic Staff-wielding Courtney Whitmore.
You may have seen Sarah on the small screen, starring in Wayward Pines, Motive, Lucifer and iZombie. Or, you may have noticed her gracing the big screen on If I Stay and Cinema Novels. If you haven’t witnessed any of the aforementioned works, you’ll be able to catch her in 2017’s Power Rangers film as Amanda. Yep.
So, who is The CW Society?
Hourman: You met him at the end of LoT Season 1. Takes the Miraclo pill granting him enhanced abilities lasting one hour.
Stargirl: The youthful hero who gains super-powers after inheriting the Cosmic Staff from Starman.
Obsidian: The son of Golden Age Green Lantern Alan Scott who controls shadows.
Dr. Mid-Nite: A surgeon utilizing “blackout” bombs, and armed with visors that can see in darkness, specifically, blackout bomb-created darkness.
Legends of Tomorrow returns to The CW on October 13th! Ready?