X-Men ’92 #3 Review

X-Men '92 #3 Cover
X-Men '92 #3
X-Men ’92 #3

Alright folks, I’m back again after getting my eager little hands on X-Men ’92 #3. My fingers were crossed that we’d see some 90’s style butt-kicking in this go round (See?) and I was not disappointed. We left off in issue #2 with the X-Force responding to a distress call from Professor X. In case you didn’t know, that means things are pretty dire for the X-Men. So, the X-Force is on the scene and business starts to pick up.

We get to see Psylocke play an integral role, which I enjoyed. Who doesn’t love a psychic ninja with pink energy swords living in someone else’s body? The rest of the X-Force doesn’t disappoint, either; they really made this issue for me.

We get some wicked Psylocke action in X-Men '92 #3.
We get some wicked Psylocke action in X-Men ’92 #3.

Cassandra Nova is still working multiple schemes that all tie into a big scheme, and we still have some of our favorite members of the X-Men all but out of action for this issue.  I’m beginning to wonder if we’ll get to see some of these characters really do anything of note before things come to a close. Thank Doom for the X-Force or this story would be pretty dull. We are left with a menace to face-off with next issue, a familiar adversary with some minor “upgrades”, because, remember, this is Battleworld!!!

Cassandra Nova intends to release The Phoenix.
Cassandra Nova intends to release The Phoenix, among other things.

I’m intrigued to see how this all gets wrapped up with a pretty little bow on it. The story will conclude in issue #4, but I’d like to see more of X-Men ’92. I’ll be a bit let down if us fans get our team back just in time for the run to be over. Each issue I’ve read gets a little more fun, though, so I’m ready to dive in next time around. What are your thoughts? Would you like to see more of X-Men ’92? Where do you think this is going? Till next time, let us know your thoughts, dreams, and fears below!