Green Lanterns REBIRTH #1 Review

Green Lanterns REBIRTH #1 Review

Check out Our Review [WITH SPOILERS] of Green Lanterns REBIRTH #1

Writers: Geoff Johns and Sam Humphries
Artists: Ethan Van Sciver and Ed Benes
Colorist: Jason Wright

So far, the coolest thing about these Rebirth books is that there is a sense of continuity not only with the classic age of DC but the recent past as well. Guys, this is not a reboot, it’s a refresh, and if there’s any property at DC that needed a refresh, it would be Green Lantern.

Lately, the “GL” family of books has seemed rather stale. Sure, there have been a few diamonds in the rough like Sinestro, but for the most part, the Green Lantern titles have been fading echoes of Geoff Johns’ epic run on the title.

Well with Rebirth, Johns is back and he has his classic “GL” artist Ethan Van Sciver with him. Joining this fan-favorite creative team is artist ED Benes and new regular series writer, Sam Humphries, and like a fading member of the Green Lantern Corps charging his or her ring, these four talents recharge Green Lantern for the Rebirth era.

Now, the creative team doesn’t just play the hits. In this debut issue, the creators feature Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz, Earth’s two newest Green Lanterns; Johns and Humphries bring readers up to date on these two fascinating characters. Baz is a recently cleared, suspected American Muslim terrorist trying to do right by his family, community, and country while Jessica is a woman who suffers from chronic anxiety. Cruz particularly impresses as there has never quite been a GL like her. She experiences great fear every minute of her life but she also overcomes it through willpower and inner strength. People who suffer from anxiety should find a hero in Cruz as the “GL” team continues to develop this unique character.

The issue puts forth the following question: why does Earth need six Green Lanterns? What’s coming that would require such a force? Hal Jordan stops by to help establish a new status quo for Cruz and Baz, as the two must work together in order to wield their power and protect their planet. Johns and Humphries gives the reader a sense that these characters have been around for a while, but in truth, the paint is still fresh on these two new heroes, and I can’t wait to see where this goes next. Honestly, this isn’t something I’ve said about a Green Lantern comic in ages as it felt like DC was just going through the motions with the property for a long time.

Both artists put forth an amazing effort establishing the re-energized visual world of Green Lantern, and really, when one is looking at Van Sciver “GL” artwork, all will be well. My only complaint about this issue is that there just wasn’t much of it. The new GLs are introduced, argue, fight a Manhunter training drone, and get lectured by Jordan. I would really like to see a bit more story packed into these Rebirth issues. But where Green Lanterns Rebirth falls short on plot, it makes up for in character as Baz and Cruz are heroes that I want to read about for years to come.