Marvel set the comic world ablaze with their newest crossover event, Secret Empire #0. Seems like everything we know about Marvel has been wrong. The big revelation was, “Steve Rogers was always a bad guy the whole time.” Also, it turns out the Axis of Evil actually won World War II, but the Allies used the Cube to alter reality. And you thought Inglorious Basterds rewrote WWII history!

Now, understandably, this upset a lot of fans. However, there is a BIG misconception that needs to be cleared up. Luckily, true believer, you are reading the right article.
First, all hell breaks loose when Cap utters “Hail HYDRA!” at the end of issue #1 of Captain America: Steve Rogers.

What a lot of the articles on Facebook or Twitter forgot to mention is Captain America: Steve Rogers #2. Heck, it even said his history would be revealed right on the cover!

The second issue of the series reveals that back in Captain America #607, the Cosmic Cube that returned Steve Rogers to his younger able self actually ingrained Steve with false memories. As a result, Steve THINKS he is a HYDRA agent and has been this whole time.

Now, here is where readers and various writers of articles about Secret Empire get confused. I think they are misinterpreting those flashbacks as factual occurrences. I believe with those panels, we are actually seeing history as Steve Rogers remembers it as opposed to what actually happened. So, rather than just saying “Steve thinks he is part of HYDRA,” they are also showing you HOW he thinks he’s been part of it this whole time. Hence, they are showing you how deep his brainwashing goes.
“But Keith, didn’t you say you only collect Guardians of the Galaxy?”
What I meant was, it’s the only Marvel series I get on a regular basis. I gave Captain America: Steve Rogers a chance when it came out, but it just didn’t appeal to me.
On a side note, I think a lot of the people “outraged” over this revelation don’t even read the comics and are just going by what they read on CBR or Newsarama. If they did, they definitely would’ve remembered what happened in issue #2. Not saying they can’t have an opinion, but I’m wondering if they had an informed opinion.
Making such a drastic change to a character would make no sense. Why on Earth would Marvel just suddenly pull the rug out from under fans and say, “Yeah, so the ultimate good guy in our company? He was bad this whole time.” It would be career suicide for any editor or writer to make that decision.
Back to issue #1 for a second. They even hint at Steve’s mind being altered in a conversation with Steve and his longtime, on again/ off again girlfriend, Sharon Carter.

“I feel like a stranger in my own body.”
“I don’t recognize this.”
“What’s going on up here?”
So, no, we aren’t being duped by Marvel. While some articles are giving you part of the story for Secret Empire #0, I decided to give readers the full story. Steve Rogers is still a good guy. He just doesn’t remember it.
I’m gonna go read Flintstones and leave this crap alone.
Not worth the effort.
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