New IMAX Deadpool Featurette


We’ve seen Marvel’s Merc with a Mouth get into fist fights, flip cars, teach us about cancer, and now apparently we get to catch up with the director, Tim Miller! This new IMAX Deadpool Featurette has the aforementioned director discussing how Deadpool is pretty much a passion project for himself and that he isn’t a director that just jumped on the comic book movie train. Tim Miller has a comic book habit that runs him 400 bucks a month! Jeez, that’s quite the addiction there that’s for sure. The IMAX Deadpool Featurette has some scenes from the movie interlaced with the director discussing his time with the Deadpool movie. Deadpool is just around the corner so start getting excited!

Deadpool comes out on Feburary 12th, 2016 and is directed by Tim Miller, with a screenplay by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. Deadpool stars Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, T. J. Miller, Gina Carano, Brianna Hildebrand, Stefan Kapičić, and Leslie Uggams. Also, if there was only a place where you could find great Deadpool gear…Oh! Lookie here…I found a whole treasure trove for you! Just mosey on over to SuperheroStuff…we love you over there just as much as we love you here!