Suicide Squad REBIRTH #1 Review


Check out Our Review [WITH SPOILERS] for Suicide Squad REBIRTH #1

Writer: Rob Williams
Penciller: Philip Tan
Inkers: Jonathan Glapion, Scott Hanna, and Sandu Florea
Colorist: Alex Sinclair

Suicide Squad REBIRTH #1 Review
His legendary ancestry is back!

Who ever thought that the Suicide Squad would be a major release for DC? After all, Suicide Squad has traditionally been a fringe book with a nice loyal cult following, but now, thanks to the film, the release of Suicide Squad Rebirth #1 is a major cog in DC’s publishing machine. The release also puts a spotlight on the importance of making this Suicide Squad Rebirth special of the highest possible quality because that comic/film synergy is oh so important these days.

I’m happy to say that Suicide Squad Rebirth #1 succeeds on many levels. First off, the story has this solid back to basics approach that sees Amanda Waller try to recruit an imprisoned Rick Flag for the latest iteration of the Squad. Unlike so many New 52 books, Suicide Squad Rebirth #1 has a nice sense of history as writer Rob Williams reintroduces the concept of Flag being a descendant of the original leader of the World War II version of Task Force X. Yes, us DC fans like a sense of history and that lineage is brought back in the pages of this Suicide Squad launch.

Suicide Squad REBIRTH #1 Review
Enjoy the history!

Williams doesn’t just make this book a character dump. Instead, he only focuses on Waller, Flag, Captain Boomerang, Deadshot, and Harley Quinn in a ‘getting the team together’ issue that will perk interest to the regular series. Williams nails all the characters’ personalities and quirks and delivers a really solid, introductory action piece.

The art is a bit of a mixed bag and honestly, it’s really not Philip Tan’s fault. Tan does a great job as a storyteller, delivering dynamic layouts in both the action scenes and a gripping scene between Waller and President Obama in the Oval Office.

Suicide Squad REBIRTH #1 Review
I am not approving this!

He keeps the action moving forward even in talking head sequences and doesn’t deliver a single dull panel. Yet, the Suicide Squad’s new costumes are just freaking ugly. Deadhsot’s gear in particular is just too damn busy with edges and lines that make a viewer go cross-eyed. But that’s not really Tan’s fault as these new uniforms were designed by Jim Lee whose mission it seems was to take ideas from his New 52 designs and make them even busier. Blech, I say, and I say blech as a huge Jim Lee fan who rereads “Hush” at least once a year.

But the classic Squad feel is front and center in Suicide Squad Rebirth #1 with intriguing badass characters and Waller at her string-pulling best. Even if you don’t like the film, the Rebirth era Suicide Squad book seems to be the place to go for classic Squad action as it hits all the right John Ostrander notes while existing in its own modern space.