Brand New Star Wars Rogue One International Trailer


What will you do? What will you become? Oh, you’ll turn into a rabid Star Wars fan like you’ve been for the past few decades? Fair enough! The above video is the brand new Star Wars Rogue One International Trailer and it shows off some new scenes. What kind of new scenes? How about more shoots of our motley crew coming together in order to defeat the Empire!

Star Wars Rogue One International Trailer
This watch will help you blend into Imperial bases and complete top secret missions.

The Star Wars Rogue One International Trailer comes just a few short days after the last Star Wars trailer but that’s alright! Star Wars Rogue One will see Jyn Erso (played by Felicity Jones) attempt to steal the Death Star plans. Hopefully that means we will get a chance to see a ton of Bothans! Wait, we aren’t? Awwww!

Star Wars: Rogue One comes out December 16th, 2016 and stars Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Ben Mendelsohn, Donnie Yen, Riz Ahmed, Mads Mikkelsen, Alan Tudyk, Jiang Wen, and Forest Whitaker. This is the first installment of the non-main arch of Star Wars though rumors say we might be seeing a Darth Vader cameo. Wonder if that means we will be seeing any of these characters in Star Wars: Episode 8!