Pokemon Go! Launch Trailer Wants You to Move!


Dust off your Jigglypuff. Rouse your Squirtle. Summon forth your Charmander. Oh, and make sure that your cell phone is charged because the last 24 hours has seen the release of Pokemon Go! This latest Pokemon game is the first from Nintendo that isn’t on a Nintendo system. That’s right folks – you read that right. This is a Nintendo game that you can play on most smart phones! So what kind of game has Nintendo made for cell phones in Pokemon Go!? Ugh. That gets really hard to write on account of it having an exclamation point in the title. Curse you, marketing and advertising folks!

Pokemon Go! Is an augmented reality game that utilizes your cell phones GPS and camera to project Pokemon out into the real world. I actually had a rather big infestation of Venonat on my desk this morning and I didn’t even know it. One of my co-workers here manged to snag him which immediately got me to download Pokemon Go! You’ll be rewarded for walking around as that helps hatch Pokemon and you’ll have to travel in order to find more Pokemon and battle them in real life locations. It’s all very cool and definitely something worth checking out if you consider yourself a fan of Pokemon. Plus, Pokemon Go! Is free so what do you have to lose! Available on most iPhones and Android devices in the app stores.