Suing Star Wars Over Harrison Ford’s On-Set Injury

Suing Star Wars over Harrison Ford's injury

Remember back in 2014 when Harrison Ford seriously injured himself on the set of Star Wars: The Force Awakens? Apparently, Ford broke his leg in June 2014 during the second day of shooting at Pinewood Studios near London; it seems the Millennium Falcon’s hydraulic, metal door collapsed and landed on Ford’s leg. OUCH! Because of this incident, Great Britain’s Health and Safety Executive (the good old HSE) is now effectively suing Star Wars over Harrison Ford’s on-set injury.

Ok, so technically not the whole of Star Wars; the HSE is coming after Foodles Production (UK) Ltd. (a subsidiary of Walt Disney). What has the HSE so riled up? Apparently, Foodles is being charged with a total of 4 counts of neglect related to workplace health and safety law. Damn you, Foodles! HSE detailed the reasoning behind the suit in the following statement:

“By law, employers must take reasonable steps to protect workers – this is as true on a film set as a factory floor. We have investigated thoroughly and believe that we have sufficient evidence to bring the case to court.”

Yep; if you’re filming in Great Britain, it’s absolutely essential that you mind your ‘P’s’ and ‘Q’s’, and make DAMN sure all points of egress on any and all star-ships are securely battened down!

For a good look at the item responsible for kicking the crap out of Han Solo’s leg, check out the Star Wars Millennium Falcon Metal Earth Model Kit!