Check out Marvel’s Civil War II Trailer!


So, one very unlucky Inhuman has the very unfortunate ability to look into the future. Apparently, some particular super-persons (Captain Marvel and her supporters) have the idea that this particular ability can be, in a fashion, weaponized; this precognition, or “predictive justice,” can be used to mitigate criminality and stave off unfortunate events. Well, there’s another camp of super-persons (Iron Man and his rabid sycophants) who happen to disagree with this particular application. Firstly, the future is an opaque, milky mist that should never be bound or cleared, and the person vexed with this precognition is a thinking, feeling being and not an impounded organ of the state! Okay, I’m pushing my soapbox to the side and allowing the Marvel Press Release to deliver the final details with a little less partiality. GO!

The drums of war beat for the Marvel Universe this June, as the Earth-shattering CIVIL WAR II #1 comes to comic shops and digital devices with a jam-packed double-size issue! Blockbuster creators Brian Michael Bendis, David Marquez and Justin Ponsor bring you a tale of hero against hero – and a Marvel Universe divided. A new power has emerged, one that can predict the future – for good or for ill. Standing on opposite sides, will the heroes use this new power to prevent danger before it happens? Or will they fight to allow tomorrow to unfold unaltered. Battle lines will be drawn. Lives will be changed. Heroes will fall. Do you stand with Captain Marvel? Or will you side with Iron Man? Choose your side! 


Don’t miss CIVIL WAR II #1 – coming to comic shops and digital devices everywhere this June! Â