Luke Cage Can Take a Punch in New Marvel & Netflix Sizzle Reel


As the pop-culture news deluge continues at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, Marvel punches us square in the crotch-spot with absolutely necessary, must-have TV and movie info. Besides showing the very first, chi-exhibiting Iron Fist trailer celebrating the forthcoming release of, yes, Iron Fist, Marvel released a Netflix sizzle reel mixing scenes from its illustrious Marvel series, as well as brand new footage of Luke Cage kicking the crap out of thugs and taking bullets assertively in the back. Yep, Luke Cage can take a punch in this new Marvel and Netflix sizzle reel. LOOK UP! PRESS PLAY!

Luke Cage Can Take a Punch in New Marvel & Netflix Sizzle Reel
Fill it to the brim!

Interspersed with now-classic scenes from past Marvel/Netflix offerings, we see Luke Cage facing off with Cornell Stokes, aka Cottonmouth, and there’s blood liberally applied to Stokes’ lapel. His blood? Doubtful.

We also catch Luke Cage taking quite a few bullets and handling the trauma considerably well. And he should, considering his skin is pretty much invulnerable due to a botched experiment trying like hell to reproduce the successful application of Project Rebirth on an unsuspecting, underrepresented convict.

Luke Cage debuts September 30th on Netflix and stars Mike Colter (Luke Cage), Alfre Woodard (Mariah Dillard) Frankie Faison (Pop), Simone Missick (Misty Knight), Theo Rossi (Alvarez), Erik LaRay Harvey (Diamondback), Frank Whaley (Detective Scarfe), and Mahershala Ali (Cornell Stokes).