Wonder Woman #1 Review

Wonder Woman #1 Review

Check out Our Review [WITH SPOILERS] of Wonder Woman #1!

Writer: Greg Rucka
Artist: Liam Sharp
Color Artist: Laura Martin

There was a time when I went out of my way to avoid any comic drawn by Liam Sharp. I found his style overindulgent, ugly, and bombastic to the point of parody. It’s hard to believe I once felt that way because Liam Sharp’s Wonder Woman #1 might be the most breathtaking comic I have bought this year.

No joke, it seems that this rebirth of Diana has brought out the best in all involved. We knew Rucka would bring his A-game because that’s what the writer does, especially with multi-faceted female protagonists. And historically, everything that Laura Martin colors is a treat. But this is a different Liam Sharp, a Sharp that has channeled a classic, big time comic strip appeal and combines it with post-modern layouts to make the visual language of this new Wonder Woman, well, wondrous.

As for the story, Rucka keeps getting more and more meta as the fan-favorite writer of Image’s Lazarus continues to try and untangle the Gordian knot that is Wonder Woman continuity. Even Diana herself is confused by her history, and to some writers this would be a profound challenge, but to Rucka this is an opportunity for story- and what a story! In this debut issue, Wonder Woman travels to an Edgar Rice Burroughs-like lost jungle to seek her true history. It seems that the classic Wonder Woman foe Cheetah possesses the answers to all of Diana’s questions, so readers are treated to the first Cheetah versus Wonder Woman clash of the Rebirth era. I do wish there was a transition between the Wonder Woman Rebirth special and this issue because it feels like I popped into the middle of a story, but I trust Rucka to lead me through the confusion into someplace truly epic.

Rucka also accomplishes greatness with his supporting cast as the scribe treats readers to the return of Steve Trevor and Etta Candy. Both WW allies feel like they maintain the classic DNA of each character while also feeling like they stepped out of Rucka’s Queen and Country series as the writer once again proves he is the absolute master at modern military fiction.

Wonder Woman #1 mixes genres and welcomes readers into a new world that is purposely confusing yet endlessly engaging.