This polyester/polyurethane, Batman Symbol Two-Tone Built Backpack is an exquisite piece of backpack art courtesy of WayneTech! Okay, it’s really not from WayneTech since WayneTech doesn’t exist, but the level of quality and immaculate design work is certainly reflective of a fictitious, Fortune 500 company’s equally fictitious, highly advanced manufacturing pedigree! Anyway, this is a high quality backpack with a significant number of pockets – secured by sturdy zippers – and a raised, plastic Bat symbol resting on the backpack’s rugged front. OBSERVE!

Check out those mesh pockets with zipper-closure and the adjustable clip-straps for additional closure security!

And check out the inside pocket created specifically for your laptop and secured via soft, felt-like flap!

The Batman Symbol Two-Tone Built Backpack straps are heavily padded and completely adjustable!

Behind the straps lies a padded, mesh backing complete with a stitched, raised Batsymbol. HOLY CRAP!
Seriously, this is one amazing, high quality “Bat-pack” that one should always carry with them in case of…
1. Armageddon.
2. The abrupt “release” of all inmates currently residing in Arkham Asylum.
3. The destruction of Gotham due the ravages of high tides, 50-foot tall, dandelion-themed super-crooks or purposely released viruses.
Honestly, if you live in Gotham, you should ALWAYS carry a backpack filled with enough supplies and provisions to keep you frosty for at least 48 hours, or until Batman can put a gosh darn lid on all the painfully recurring bullsh*t.
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