Yes! It’s the Black Panther Armor New Era 5950 Hat! This amazing, flat-billed, specifically-sized New Era hat is a SUPERHEROSTUFF.COM EXCLUSIVE! That means: YOU CAN’T GET IT ANYWHERE ELSE! EVER!!!!!!!!! How can you procure yourself one of these amazing works of superior hat-art? Well, I’ll tell you:
You’re going to have to wait a little; this puppy (or cat, or panther) will be available to ship in July.
Now, here’s another look at the amazing, EXCLUSIVE, Black Panther Armor New Era 5950 Hat accompanied by the equally amazing, Black Panther Costume 30 Single T-Shirt! OBSERVE!

This EXCLUSIVE, New Era Black Panther hat is made from 100% PU material (it’s like a soft, faux-vinyl material) and features an intricately detailed representation of Black Panther’s ribbed, lined, and menacingly marked mask! Now, flip it over to reveal an image of Black Panther and Captain America striking their vibranium implements of destruction with unbridled savagery! Why are they fighting? Because Cap’s good friend, the murderous, psychologically dismantled Bucky “The Winter Soldier” Barnes, just blew the hell out of a Wakandan embassy. Unfortunately, the Panther’s father may have been part of the particular delegation inhabiting said embassy during the explosion, Oh, man; Panther’s gonna’ lay some SERIOUS smack-down on a certain, cybernetically-enhanced relic of the cold war spy-game.
Are they sold out?
How do we order the hat? The link is broken.
Stefanie, sorry about this. We’re not taking any more preorders due to the fact that the hats might arrive a little later than anticipated. I updated the article to avoid any future confusion.
Wheeeeen!? I’ve been waiting forever! Lol
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