Civil War from Salt Lake Comic Con!

Captain America: Civil War

This past weekend several of our favorite Marvel actors happened to be in attendance at Salt Lake Comic Con…oh yeah, and we were there too! We didn’t get a chance to speak with the likes of Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, or Sebastian Stan but we did manage to scoop up a couple of quotes from them as they discussed the highly anticipated Captain America: Civil War! Perhaps next time we’ll get a chance to interview them, no?

When asked on the difference between Captain America and Iron Man, Chris Evans said this: “Tony actually thinks we should be signing these accords and reporting to somebody and Cap, who’s always been a company man and has always been a soldier, actually doesn’t trust anymore. Given what happened in Cap 2, I think he kind of feels the safest hands are his own. And these are understandable concerns, but this is tough, because even reading the script, you think I think I agree with Tony in a way, and I do agree that to make this work, you do need to surrender to the group. It can’t just be one person saying this is right and this is what we’re going to do. But Cap has his reasons, he certainly has his reasons, and he is a good man and his moral compass is probably the cleanest,” Evans continued. “This is a tough thing. This is what made it so interesting while we were filming, and it’s hopefully what will make the movie great is nobody’s right, nobody’s wrong. There’s no clear bad guy here. We both have a point of view, which is akin to most disagreements in life and politics.”

Captain America: Civil War
Things are going to get awfully interesting!

Of course Sebastian Stan also chimed in and when asked who should be Captain America after…um…Captain America Sebastian said, “Myself!” and elaborated, “I’ll say this: They sure like to dangle a cheese in front of my nose a lot. They’re like ‘Oh yeah, that’s where you pick up the shield,’ and I’m like, ‘Yeah, I’ve heard that one before. There it is again.’ But I don’t know. If I could say one thing, if anyone can have anything to do with it, to make it happen, is you.” However, it also seems that he would be content to stay as the Winter Soldier so perhaps Sebastian Stan just likes being in the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Stan continued: “And everything about his childhood was extremely inspiring. I didn’t know that he had a sister who ends up going into an orphanage and later ends up dying of Alzheimer’s. The fact that this whole story with his father, all those things were very real for me and very helpful in terms of pulling a person together.”

When Anthony Mackie was asked the same question, he had a slightly different response to who should be Captain America after Civil War. “I don’t think we need a new Cap. I don’t think Cap needs to change. I think [Bucky’s actor Sebastian Stan] would be a great Cap, but then we’re left without Bucky. I think I’d be a great Cap, but then we’re left without a Falcon.” What do you think of this conversation and are you totally excited for Captain America: Civil War?