Deadpool Sequel; Fox Confident

Deadpool sequel already in the works!

The introduction says it all; Fox is already so confident that the unreleased Deadpool movie will be a hit that they’re already in talks about the direction, story, and actors regarding a sequel. That sounds totally awesome and a great sign but didn’t they say the same thing about Fantastic Four? Not that I’m connecting the two…merely playing devil’s advocate!

Simon Kinberg, one of the producers of Deadpool, said this: “I have seen a rough cut of Deadpool and it’s fantastic. It’s a really good movie. It delivers on the promise of the trailer. We certainly are talking about the sequel…But yeah [Fox is] feeling good about it, we’re all feeling really proud of it, so hopefully before it comes out we will be well into the process of figuring out a sequel.” Strong words, wouldn’t you agree? February 12 can’t come soon enough!

Best Buds; Cable and Deadpool
I could see it.

As far as who else may for show up in the Deadpool movie-verse (I’m sure he’d love that phrase), many fans always wonder about Cable. Some people would love the character while others take more of the ‘ehhhhhh’ approach. Tim Miller, the director for Deadpool, responded to this line of questioning. “It’s certainly come up because he’s such a big character in the world. And it’s a character that I’ve always wanted to do in one form or another, we talked about Cable actually in Days of Future Past at one point. But yeah we’re in such the early stages of sequel talk it would be genuinely premature for me to say whether or not he was gonna be in it.”