First Image of the New Rita Repulsa


Turn away now if you are looking for Goldar…he will come later! The below image is the first official image of Elizabeth Banks’ Rita Repulsa. Needless to say, it is significantly different than the original version we might all be comfortable with. I guess they had to do that so we wouldn’t get confused with Ivan Ooze in X-Men Apocalypse. Joking aside, the below image is…interesting. No more cones and what-have-you!

She came out of a space-dumpster?
She came out of a space-dumpster?

“It’s definitely a modern and edgy re-imagining of the original Rita Repulsa. We wanted to give her a backstory that connects her to the new Rangers,” said Banks. I’m not quite sure how I feel about this costume…it has a rather distinct reptilian feel! Perhaps Banks needs a hot-rock or something to help her digest her lunch? Still, it will be interesting to see what the Power Rangers movie reboot has in store for us from the art department. When asked what Elizabeth is most looking forward to, she responded, “Obviously, first, world domination. I’ve never played a villain before, let alone an alien warrior.” Makes me wonder if we will get a chance to see the Green Ranger. Anybody know what Jason David Frank is up to? We can probably lure him back with that Dragon Dagger! The Power Rangers reboot hits March 24, 2017.


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