Nicole Kidman in Talks to Join Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman Nicole Kidman

According to The Wrap, Australian actress Nicole Kidman is currently in negotiation with DC Comics and Warner Brothers to play a ‘high ranking Amazonian’ in Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman. Recently picking up Chris Pine, Wonder Woman is quickly picking up steam and establishing an all-star cast. This wouldn’t be Nicole Kidman’s first comic-book movie rodeo either. You remember her as Doctor Chase Meridan from Batman Forever? That was the Batman movie that lead to Bat-Nipples but I don’t think that was her fault. She just had a crush on The Bat and let’s be honest…don’t we all?

“While Kidman’s potential role has yet to be confirmed, the Queen of the Amazons in the “Wonder Woman” comics is Hippolyta, who also happens to be Diana Prince’s biological  mother — though it’s unclear whether the film will remain faithful to that storyline,” reports The Wrap. Wonder Woman kicks off sometime in 2017 but we’ll see Gal Gadot in Batman V Superman in just a few short months!