Deadpool Vandalizes Batman V Superman Posters in Unofficial Art


When we first saw this unbelievably hilarious bit of Deadpool promotional art – a scene of Deadpool unabashedly vandalizing Batman V Superman movie posters – we collectively raised our arms, closed our firsts and granted this incredibly clever idea an emphatic ‘thumbs-up.’ I mean, it looks amazing, right? Well, it is, but it’s not actually official; this brilliant bit of perfectly captured Deadpool-ery is the work of creator GOXIII on Deviant Art. I know, we were just as shocked as you are right now. I mean, look at this! It’s absolutely PERFECT! The lighting! The angle! The absolute mastery of forced perspective! GOXIII is a freaking genius, and we absolutely HAD to share this with you! Check out the full image below!

Deadpool grafitti
Nothing to see here!

This image, perfectly executed, just makes sense. Deadpool, never a fan of competition, would absolutely take every opportunity to belittle the forthcoming, heavily anticipated Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice film. Not only would he attempt to squelch the film’s overall ticket sales, he would also mount a personal attack on the characters inhabiting said film; Batman’s face covered with a Heath Ledger Joker, Wonder Woman gets a gaggle of hearts (she’s extremely beautiful, so he’ll refrain from being overly caustic), and Superman…well, he gets the simple, effective Deadpool symbol effectively covering Superman’s super-torso.

Yep, it’s classic Deadpool presented in expertly employed artistic techniques. GOXIII, you’re our hero!

Deapool debuts February 12th, 2016, starring Deadpool, Vanessa Carlyle, Colossus, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Ajax, Weasel, Blind Al, Angel Dust, 36 badgers, an unopened Castle Grayskull Playset, a copy of Darkman on BluRay and a 1993 New Mutants’ calendar. Yup.