Power Rangers Update: Rita Repulsa Takes on the Yellow Ranger!

Power Rangers Update: Rita Repulsa Takes on the Yellow Ranger!

On March 24th, 2017, a group of five, karate-practicing teenagers will anxiously accept the fantastic power-sets – towering Zords and all – of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers! Unfortunately, along with the Rangers comes their most tenacious enemies, specifically, one Rita Replusa (Elizabeth Banks). In an effort to defeat the multicolored heroes and their especially large, animal-themed mechs, Rita will take the Power Rangers down one by one; it’s the classic ‘divide and conquer’ strategy. And thanks to our friends at Entertainment Weekly, we’re granted this amazing image as Rita Repulsa takes on the Yellow Ranger (Trini, played by singer Becky G), mangling the wall in doing do. OBSERVE!

Power Rangers Update: Rita Repulsa Takes on the Yellow Ranger!

EW had a chance to shoot the poop with Becky G – the youngest cast member at 19 – who talked a little bit about the above scene and the pleasure of working with Banks.

Trini’s in a bad spot here. Observing this, she was asked why Rita was after her. Did she owe her money?

Power Rangers Update: Rita Repulsa Takes on the Yellow Ranger!
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“Rita tries to make Trini feel like she’s the weakest link of the Power Rangers, and she feels it’s easiest to go for her. Rita’s the type to play a lot of mind games, and Trini’s [thinking], “Can I really overpower Rita Repulsa or can I not?”


Becky then shared her experience filming the scene, and made note of that poor, deflated wall.

“When we did our blocking, our run through, Elizabeth and I really wanted to make it fun, to make this scene as real as possible. Actually, I got to run through the wall a couple of times. I got thrown up against it and I got to break it myself. My stunt double of course was there, talking me through it, but I was really, really excited. It was a bit intimidating for me because, you know, it’s Elizabeth! I look up to her a lot as an actress, so getting to work one on one with her is really cool. I learned a lot, and there were moments when I had to hit her, and I was like, “Oh my God, I hope I don’t actually hit her!” She really let me be hands on in a lot of the fighting, so it was cool.”