Watch the Bebop and Rocksteady TMNT 2 Mutation Clip


Whatever your feelings are about the Michael Bay Trans..err…I mean Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, at least you can appreciate that we get to see a live action Bebop and Rocksteady! The above clip runs around a minute long and has the two fan favorites Bebop and Rocksteady transforming into the characters that we both love and support! Wait, support might not be the right word…we are rooting for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles after all, no? We’ve also been told that we’ll get to see/hear about Krang and Dimension X, so with Baxter Stockman – as well as Bebop and Rocksteady – I would say that we have a pretty full Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie! Oh, and Casey Jones. How could I possibly forget about Stephen Amell’s Casey Jones? Perhaps he got some pointers from Elias Koteas on that role, hmm? Joking aside, you should definitely check out that above clip! Cowbunga and what-have-you.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows rolls out on June 3rd, 2016 and stars Megan Fox, Stephen Amell, Will Arnett, Brian Tee, Tyler Perry, Brittany Ishibashi, Laura Linney and William Fichtner. What kind of insanity will we see our Heroes in a Half Shell get into now?