Well, our good friend Mr. Sunday Movies has gone and done it again; he’s presented every conceivable Luke Cage Easter egg, including cameos and other comic book references. Yes, this is a prodigious amount of inside knowledge linking to the character’s comic book adventures, other Marvel TV series, and of course, Marvel’s box office-murdering Big Screen endeavors. Check it out!
Of course, you need to realize he’s seen the entire series, so if you haven’t watched the whole ding darn thing…well, he’s about to spoil the ever-loving sh*t out of it. Tread lightly, true believer.
Have you watched the whole thing already? Maybe you’re about half-way through. Wait, you haven’t even started?? Why don’t you just let me know how much Luke Cage you’ve consumed in the poll below and I’ll point and judge later.
Okay, how much of the ‘Luke Cage’ series have you already watched?
— The Source (@TheSource_SHS) October 3, 2016
What are you waiting for? It’s good! Wait, that’s underselling it. It’s GREAT!
Beating the hell out of you with a bathroom sink, Luke Cage stars Mike Colter (Luke Cage), Alfre Woodard (Mariah Dillard), Frankie Faison (Pop), Simone Missick (Misty Knight), Theo Rossi (Alvarez), Erik LaRay Harvey (Diamondback), Frank Whaley (Detective Scarfe), and Mahershala Ali (Cornell Stokes).