Luke Cage Release Date Revealed?


Did the world just receive a clue from Alias Investigations? Could this clue give us an idea on the next time we’ll see Luke Cage in action?
Well on the official Jessica Jones twitter account… a new image appeared that may have revealed when we can expect to see the next Marvel Netflix series. Take a look.


Cage – November. ‘Nuff said.

Could mean nothing, or could this be when we could expect “Power Man’s” solo show? It would makes sense, since season one of Jessica Jones was released in November of last year. Marvel would be smart to release Luke Cage‘s first season before the holidays… when binge watching is at its best.

So what do we know about Cage? Mike Colter reprises his role from Jessica Jones as the indestructible man. Also in an interview with IGN, Marvel Television head Jeph Loeb confirmed Luke Cage will be a genre based show… following in the footsteps of Daredevil (crime thriller) and Jessica Jones (psychological thriller).

“You know, for us, it’s very much a fugitive story that is about a man who is falsely imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit. That’s what grounds it. That’s what makes it real.” Loeb continued, “And then, oh, by the way, he’s really strong, and he’s got bulletproof skin. So I think those are the two things that go together, that really make it a very different kind of show.”

It’s been a busy time for Marvel and Netflix. Season two of Daredevil will begin streaming this March. That series has also spun off a Punisher series. Throw in Cage, season two of Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and The Defenders and you have a plethora of Marvel based content continually flowing for years.