We’re probably going to have to wait until 2018 before revisiting the solo adventures of Jessica Jones in her very own second season, but fear not, you fans of the hard drinking detective for hire; she’ll be fighting alongside Netflix darlings Daredevil, Iron Fist and Luke Cage in 2017’s superhero roundup, Defenders. In the interim, Jessica Jones showrunner Melissa Rosenberg has been hard at work crafting the season 2 script, and recently shared some of her plans for Jessica Jones with our good friends at IGN.

The narrative touchstone for Jessica Jones Season 1 was obviously the Alias comic series by writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Michael Gaydos, but season 2 branches out in new and interesting ways, introducing new and supporting characters.
“[There will be] some new characters that are only interesting in how they relate to our existing characters,” said Rosenberg. “We can really get into some very interesting aspects of their characters and where they’re from, where they’re going, all these things. I’m super excited about that.”
Who’s the new big-bad? Although Rosenberg didn’t reveal any specific details, she did confirm that a character like David Tennant’s Kilgrave, although powerful and resounding, would not be reproduced.
“David Tennant’s [Kilgrave], we’ll never create that again. That is one of the great iconic characters played by a profoundly talented actor. The objective is not to match that, not to try to do that again.”
Rosenberg also has the task of making sure the second season flows seamlessly from season one and properly intersects with 2017’s Defenders. One of the benefits of working towards Defenders is accessibility to Defenders showrunners Doug Petrie and Marco Ramirez.
“What’s nice for us over on our side of the hall, is if we think — we’re still shaping what we want to do, but we’re like, maybe we can set them up over in The Defenders, let’s go talk to [Defenders showrunners] Doug [Petrie] and Marco [Ramirez], and we’re like, ‘Hey, what do you think about this?'”
So are you ready for Jessica Jones to drink first, punch second, and ask question a little later in 2017’s Defenders???