Tony Todd Cast as Zoom on the Flash

Tony Todd joins Flash as Zoom!

In the first season of CW’s The Flash, we saw Tom Cavanagh as the Reverse Flash. Now, it looks like we have a new ‘Big Bad’ for Season Two with Tony Todd, known for his portrayal of the vengeful, hook-handed spirit (reeking of honey)…Candyman!

Tony Todd has been cast as Zoom!
The Candyman Can!

Andrew Kreisberg, the Executive Producer of the Flash, had this to say regarding the casting of the iconic Tony Todd. ““Last year, with the Reverse-Flash, we just modulated Tom Cavanagh’s voice, and this year we wanted to do something a little bit different. Part of the mystery of the season is who or what is underneath the Zoom outfit, and so we wanted to do something like James Earl Jones as Darth Vader — this iconic voice coming out of this mask. Last year, we thought of the Reverse-Flash as a speed warrior; this year, Zoom is like a speed demon, and no one does demon-voice better than Tony Todd. For us, the best villains are the ones who don’t have megalomaniacal ‘I want to rule the world’ motivations. Last year, the Reverse-Flash had a very simple goal which was, ‘I just want to go home, and if people need to die or cities need to get wasted for me to get that, so be it.’ And Zoom has a very similar, personal goal this season… simple and easy to understand, and very primal. And just as with Wells last year, Zoom doesn’t care who gets hurt or what gets destroyed in the service of him getting his goal.”

What do you think of Tony Todd as Zoom and would you like to see Tom Cavanagh return?