A First Look at Fallout 4


I was among many that waited in the pre-order line to grab my reserved copy of Fallout 4 and proceeded to spend all night at the mercy of the Commonwealth. Fallout 4 is the fourth main story installment and the fifth overall installment in the main Fallout series.

It's Fallout 4!
Armor up!

The first impression of this game is that it’s just another Fallout game. The end appears in sight within the first hour of gameplay and even though the graphics are rendered on a different engine, they look only slightly better than Fallout 3 or Fallout: New Vegas. However, a nuanced story line, along with enhanced features, gives the player more flexibility in what they can and cannot do.

One awesome new feature allows you to build and shape a settlement. This differs from the Assassin’s Creed homestead by taking more of an original Halo: 3 Forge Mode feel to it. You are able to create and manipulate objects to make them into buildings, defenses and luxuries. Hours can be spent building a house and beefing up the defenses of a settlement.

Fallout 4
It’s Preston from Fallout 4!

Although the main story may seem short to most, the side quests give the game longevity. The new storyline is very interesting, but the side quests add to the entertainment value and allow you to go through the main story with ease and confidence.

Overall: Give it a shot if you haven’t already; it’s a great game that has a ton of potential. The amount of hours of gameplay you get is definitely worth the $59.99 price tag, so go ahead and try your luck in the richly constructed world of the Commonwealth!