Star Wars: Battlefront Collector’s Edition with Mini-Fridge!

Han Solo trapped in Carbonite

This one is for all you hardcore Star Wars/video game fans! Wal-Mart (a corporation one might consider evil) is offering a super-awesome Star Wars: Battlefront Collector’s Edition which includes a Han Solo Frozen-in-Carbonite mini-fridge! I suppose that’s a bit easier to swallow than that Call of Duty special edition that came with a Jeep. Who has 30 grand laying around for a collector’s edition of a video game anyways! If you do…I could certainly use a few bucks if you can spare it!

Star Wars: Battlefront Collector's Edition
You will never have to get up again!

Set at 130 bucks, the Star Wars: Battlefront Collector’s Edition is available for both Xbox One and Playstation 4 (sorry computer players) and, “The fridge can hold up to six regular-sized cans, and it also includes a warming function. In addition, you’ll find a built-in carrying handle and a removable shelf. It even comes with a 12V DC power cord in case you want to use it in your car. The Battlefront Deluxe edition ($70 on its own), comes with a variety of in-game bonus content, including the Ion Grenade, the Ion Torpedo, Han Solo’s famous DL-44 blaster, the Ion Shock emote, and the Victory emote.”

I guess that means we need to stock up on our energy drinks and burn some time off, doesn’t it? Battlefront drops November 17th with a demo expected sometime next month!