New Force Awakens TV Spot Number…Who Cares! Just Watch!


That’s right; it’s another brand spankin’ new Force Awakens TV spot! We’re not really keeping count, but if I had to guess? This is probably number…36? 45? 862? Yeah, we buried the official Force Awakens Trailer Abacus 2 weeks ago, so we’re not confident in our speculation. Anyway, it’s a new TV spot for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and we don’t care what number it it; we’re just thrilled it exists!

This new, 31 second Star Wars: The Force Awakens TV spot grants us some new footage from the forthcoming film hitting theaters on December 18th. Ok, enough with the introduction. Let’s extrapolate and disseminate!

  1. Looks like we have Rey looking especially terrified, and who wouldn’t be with a fleet of death-dealing First Order spacecraft flying directly overhead. Chances are, bombs will be dropping. Space bombs.
  2. We get a closer look at a few very brave X-Wing pilots, including Poe Dameron, played by actor Oscar Isaacs. And the third one? The (for lack of a better word) “alien?” He reminds me of Lando Calrissian’s Millennium Falcon co-pilot when the Rebel Alliance mounted an attack against the Empire’s new Death Star; this daring attack occurred as Rebel ground troops struggled to secure Endor. The X-Wing pilot’s dialect and layered, facial ridges are characteristics shared by Lando’s very capable, very tolerant co-pilot.
  3. Han and the gang are captured. Maybe.
  4. Finn goes up against a First Order soldier equipped to handle a lightsaber wielding opponent. Thumb in the eye, Finn!
  5. Rey, concerned with BB-8’s ability to remain upright in a volatile environment given to spinning upheavals exclaims, “BB-8, hold on!” And by golly, he (or she) does.
  6. Finn gets cocky.

Debuting December 18th, Star Wars: The Force Awakens stars Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong’o, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew and Max Von Sydow. Kathleen Kennedy, J.J. Abrams and Bryan Burk are producing with Tommy Harper and Jason McGatlin serving as executive producers. The screenplay is by Lawrence Kasdan & J.J. Abrams and Michael Arndt.