Ben Kenobi Debuts in New Trailer for STAR WARS REBELS!

Ben Kenobi Debuts in New Trailer for STAR WARS REBELS!
Wear THIS, and maybe you can pick out Ben Kenobi!

The official Star Wars YouTube account recently released a brand-new trailer for the second half of Star Wars Rebel’s third season, and it features a character steeped in Star Wars lore making his Rebels debut. That’s right, this Saturday at 8:30, Ben Kenobi makes his oft-rumored and finally confirmed appearance on an hour-long, 2-part episode of the mostly in-canon, Disney XD series. And yes, we here at The Source are raising our arms and collectively singing a chorus of high pitched hallelujahs!

And we’re not just getting one iteration of Obi Wan Kenobi. Heck no. We’re getting two iterations of the beloved character: younger Ben Kenobi, based on actor Ewan McGregor’s portrayal in the barely lauded “prequelogy,” will be voiced by James Arnold Taylor, while the older, wiser, cut-down-in-an-effort-to-become-more powerful Ben will be voiced by Stephen Stanton (who, by the way, portrayed Admiral Radus in Rogue One).

Anyway, take a look at the above trailer featuring appearances by Mon Mothma, Grand Moff Tarkin, and the return of Forest Whitaker’s Saw Gerrera. And yes, the crew of The Ghost will be there, and yes, so will that scheming, blue-skinned SOB Admiral Thrawn.

Star Wars Rebels Season 3.5 looks to be something special, folks. Let’s dive the hell in.