Win My Comics! This Week: Teen Titans (2003) #’s 1-55


THE WINNER HAS BEEN CHOSEN! Congratulations, Meherin Halim!!

Yes, it’s time to write in and convince me why you deserve…MY COMICS!!
Wait….what the flaming egg-sauce is “Win My Comics??” Look…I have waaay too many comics. I mean, they’re just sitting there, perfectly bagged, boarded and organized, but never to be opened or enjoyed again. It saddens me, but keeping this intricately wrapped library of comics is becoming more of a burden, and less of a hobby. Plus, I hope to be moving in the very near future, and I really don’t want to spend 875% of my time hefting stuffed comic boxes from my second story condo and into a moving truck, out of the moving truck, and into my new home. Nope; this is something my knees and spine wish to avoid.

So, to expedite the purging of my comics – my bagged and boarded, very well kept comics – I’m going to offer them to our loyal Source readership. Today’s comics? Teen Titans (2003) #’s 1-55. I figured the Teen Titans are getting a little more attention recently with a new DC Animated film debuting 3/29 and an overwhelming interest in the potential resurgence of Young Justice, so why not offer an incredible run of Teen Titans comics??

Prize Details!

Teen Titans (2003) #’s 1-55. Written by comic book superstar Geoff Johns with initial, incredible art by Mike McKone, this was a seminal, well-crafted Teen Titans run that returned the titular team to well-deserved greatness. After the departure of Mckone, Tony S. Daniel came on board and drew the hell out of everything, including issues occurring during DC’s “One Year Later” arc that detailed the DC Universe’s exploits 365 days after Infinite Crisis. Cool, cool stuff.

How Do You Actually Win My Comics?

Simple; just tell me in the comment section below why you deserve my comics. The person that cripples me with irrefutable logic – or makes me guffaw in a spasm-chain of aneurysms – will win themselves a batch of free, well-kept, bagged and boarded comic books!

Okay…I just shot the cap-gun, blew the whistle and and elbowed a Garbage Nymph (WHAT?). Now, go ahead and let me know why YOU deserve to….



  1. Because you misspelled the writer’s name, it’s Geoff not Jeoff. Also I need those issues complete my Teen Titans collection.

    • DAMN IT! I can’t freaking believe I misspelled that. Also, you forgot the word “to” after “issues” and before “complete,” but I’m not splitting any hairs here. 😉
      Anyway, I appreciate being taken to task, so you’re definitely in the running, Marcus.

  2. I’d like to win them, my 2 year old son loves the teen titans, it would be cool to keep them and give them to him when he’s older, and able to appreciate them.

  3. I would love to win this awesome prize I have always loved the Teen Titans and Robin is my favorite. I loved him at Robin as batman’s sidekick and when he left still loved him in teen Titans and loved him as Nightwing and have been looking to read some of the older Teen Titan comics. I promise you if you choose me you will be giving them to a lover of comics who will take great care of them and someone who loves the Teen Titans group. I hope I can win and take these great comics off your hands love to read this awesome comic series about my favorite superhero team.

  4. Because I’m the biggest Deathstroke fan out there! I collect every issue that features him! I even have his very first appearance! I need these to add to my collection!

  5. I grew up watching the Teen Titans show on Cartoon Network (back when we had this wonderful cartoon), it’s where I first got introduced to SO many DC characters, Robin being my favorite. Sadly, as s kid I never got to experience reading the physical Teen Titans comics and actually have never seen one. I got to rekindle my love for a lot of these characters watching Young Justice, but we all know how that ended 🙁 (#RenewYoungJustice). With all these wonderful shows gone, I don’t get to experience much of the Teen Titans anymore. Receiving these comics would allow me to relive that love that started when I was just a kid and gain a more profound love with the new characters shown in these issues!

  6. I feel like I may becoming at this all wrong, but I’ve been wanting to make the transmission over to DC for a while, have hundreds of marvel comics but need a decent amount of DC Comic to get me hooked. Also like you I read my comics once then bag them waiting for my son to be old enough to treat them with care before I show him how awsome comics are.

  7. Because I will pass down proof that teen titans were and are cool to my new born son. This in turn will ensure that the teen Titan flame never burns out upon the Titan tower.

  8. Because I really like everything related to comics, but I couldn’t get the experience of reading and collecting them, until now. I’m trying to get into this amazing world but I’m a little bit lost with so many characters and stories, and I think that getting all these comics would be a perfect way to welcome myself in.
    So…… please?

  9. 2 words obsessed children too bad I can’t post pictures but one kid was girl robin and Raven for Halloween and for free comic book day . Son loves robin and cyborg . They both have tons of comic books. Yet oddly no teen titans unles you count tiny teen titans than they have a few but anyway teen titans rule ps they also have all of the Titan plushies even trigon

  10. I would love to receive these comics because… I am a Teen Titan myself! I have yet to debut in any issue… And should really catch up as to what kind of group I will be joining! This chance just came at the right time. You would be the kindest individual EVER! And further help me know my teammates and what they have been through so I can do just as good of a job at protecting our world… Teen Titans… GO! ??

  11. Cause I’m a diabetic and losing my eyesight so I’m trying to read as many as possible before this happens

  12. Hello Tiras Buck my name is DaRell im entering this contest in the hopes of winning this for a friend of mine. My friend Racheal ive only known her for about a year and shes already one of my best friends in the world.

    Racheal I would have to say is the biggest teen titans fan i have ever meet. Over the past few months we have been hunting for any first apperance of the new teen titans members.

    Back in october i was able to take my friend to her first Comic con in akron ohio. While there i was lucky enough to find find (DC Comics presents #26). The 1st apperance of Cyborg, Raven, and Star fire it was a great.

    Racheal is such a great person she deserves this shes always there when i need her. She has such a great heart and always puts other’s first while have eighteen hour days. Between class and working full time and driving an hour and a half between work and class per day.

    Please consider my friend this would be the greatest surprises she could ever receive.

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