It’s our First Look at The Joker and Robin from the Lego Batman Movie!-
Was Heath Ledger’s Joker too scary for you? Was Jack Nicholson’s version too campy? And Does Jared Leto’s make you wonder, “When did the joker become a drug dealer”? Well… spice is the choice of life and now there’s another Joker ready to win over your approval.

USA Today got a hold of a bunch of new pictures of Batman’s main foe from next year’s The Lego Batman Movie. This smaller scaled version of the Joker will be voiced by Zach Galifianakis, which seems like a perfect marriage, really. This Joker isn’t alone either. Much like his counterpart in next month’s Suicide Squad, he seems joined at the hip to his better half… Harley Quinn (that’s her at the wheel of the low-rider).

As for how the clown prince of crime will fit into the Lego Batman Movie story, director Chris McKay has that part covered.
“The Joker sees himself on the same level as Batman, a peer, at the top of the game. But Batman says that’s not the case, which sends Joker into a spiral trying to prove to Batman that he is indeed the greatest enemy.”
As seen in the early trailers, The Joker won’t be alone. Quick glimpses of Bane, The Riddler, Penguin, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Two Face, Clayface and others all appear to be showing up in the biggest Batman movie the studio can build. So, in order to combat this many foes, the Dark Knight is going to need some help. Enter Robin.

“Robin is a super-positive kid who always sees the glass as half full. Really, at the end of the day, he just wants a hug,” says McKay.
It turns out that the relationship between Robin and Batman begins when Bruce Wayne accidentally adopts his future sidekick at a charity auction. Following their unlikely uniting, Robin makes his own costume and teams up to help protect Gotham. But how could Batman not like Robin. I mean… look at those eyes.

The Lego Batman Movie is shaping up to be one of the most exciting DC movies to date.  Besides the hundreds of suits to choose from, we’ve seen Batman will also have plenty of allies to side with. The Justice League is prepped to make a cameo, and Batgirl is going to be a major player as well (voiced by Rosario Dawson).  Just shut up and take my money already!!!
So if Suicide Squad isn’t going to deliver the Joker you are looking for (and that movie doesn’t even have a Robin) it’s okay. That’s because the Lego Batman Movie has you covered. February 10th can’t get here soon enough!