The Flash Season 3 Ep. 3 Plot Synopsis: Harrison Wells and Jesse Quick Return to Earth-1!

The Flash Season 3 Ep. 3 Plot Synopsis: Harrison Wells and Jesse Quick Return to Earth-1!
The Flash Season 3 Ep. 3 Plot Synopsis: Harrison Wells and Jesse Quick Return to Earth-1!
Earth-1: The home of tie dye t-shirts!

The CW recently released the official post synopsis for The Flash Season 3 episode 3, “Magenta,” and it confirms the return of Harrison Wells and his Speed Force-infused daughter, Jesse, to Earth-1, the home of the whole Flash-focused S.T.A.R. Labs gang!

And this data-drop is timely, considering the rumors of actress Violett Beane walking on-set in full Jesse Quick costume. Yep, it seems Jesse will be suiting up, and teaming up with Barry just in time to run 3,000 laps per-second around new, metal-bending baddie, Magenta.

Anyway, I’ll let the official plot synopsis take it from here.

“EARTH-2 WELLS AND JESSE RETURN TO CENTRAL CITY — Barry (Grant Gustin) and Team Flash are thrilled to reunite with Earth-2 Wells (Tom Cavanagh) and Jesse (guest star Violett Beane). Wells confides to Barry and Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) that Jesse has all the powers of a speedster and has been saving people on his Earth. He is concerned about her safety and wants them to talk her out of using her powers. Meanwhile, Magenta, (guest star Joey King) a new meta who can control metal, terrorizes the city. Armen V. Kevorkian directed the episode written by Judalina Neira & David Kob (FLA303). Original airdate 10/18/2016.”

The Flash Season 3 hits Tuesday, October 3 at 8 p.m., starring Grant Gustin as Barry Allen/The Flash, Candice Patton as Iris West, Danielle Panabaker as Caitlin Snow, Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramone, Tom Cavanagh as Dr. Harrison Wells, Jesse L. Martin as Joe West, and Keiynan Lonsdale as Wally West.