New Star Wars TV Spot Features Finn


Another Star Wars TV spot, this one focusing a bit more on Finn (John Boyega), has premiered. Some of the footage in the new TV spot is the same footage we have already seen, but the majority of it is brand spankin’ new. New weapons, relationships and scenes give us a little more insight into Finn.

Finn in New Star Wars The Force Awakens TV Spot.
Finn looking shocked as usual.

The most shocking and out of the ordinary part of the new Star Wars TV spot was the new piece of Stormtrooper weaponry. Finally, they have decided to develop an anti-lightsaber piece of weaponry. Finn goes toe to toe with the Stormtrooper and holds his own which, once again, begs the question: How did he learn to fight like that?

An anti-lightsaber weapon in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
What is that thing?
Finn goes toe to toe with a Stormtooper in the latest Star Wars TV Spot.
How did he learn that?

The next exciting thing we see is interaction between Finn and Han Solo. We have already seen Han give Rey a blaster and now we see Han and Finn navigate the inside of what looks like a Starkiller Base. The second shot in this spot is one of Finn operating the gun on the Millennium Falcon. Nostalgia sets in as he looks back in excitement, much like Luke did in Star Wars: A New Hope.

Han Solo and Finn prepare themselves in the latest Star Wars TV Spot.
“Sure you’re up for this?”
Finn getting cocky in the new Star Wars TV Spot.
“Great, kid! Don’t get cocky.”

We will have to wait until December 18th to see what this movie has in store for us.