Celebrating Wonder Woman’s 75th Anniversary with New Logo, Comics and Films!

Celebrating Wonder Woman's 75th Anniversary with new Logo, Comics and Films!

Debuting in 1941 within the now sacred pages of All Star Comics #8, and created by William Moulton Marston who, incidentally, invented the polygraph, Wonder Woman is the embodiment of womanly strength, compassion, and worldly kindness. Blessing us with her divine intervention for 75 years, DC celebrates Wonder Woman’s 75th anniversary with a powerful new REBIRTH comic series, exclusive new product, and her very first film hitting theaters in 2017. Oh, and they’re also celebrating Themyscira’s benevolent ambassador with this extravagant, 75th Anniversary Wonder Woman logo! OBSERVE!

Celebrating Wonder Woman's 75th Anniversary with new Logo, Comics and Films!
BAM! 75 years!

Yep, DC is pulling out all the stops to celebrate their compassionate demigoddess with tons of media; it’s time the public remembers why Wonder Woman is relevant, universal, and representational of womanly achievement.

In an interview with our friends at PEOPLE, DC Entertainment president Diane Nelson explained the need for Wonder Woman, and her relatability to the modern social landscape. “There’s no better time than now. The overall conversation that’s happening in our culture right now – about having stronger gender equality representation in media and in government and in education and all of it just makes it the perfect time to see a character like Wonder Woman out there.”

For collectors, Mattel will be releasing a special edition Wonder Woman Barbie exclusively at SDCC in July. As far as apparel, we’ll have more items for you, and that’s a near-guarantee.
Happy Birthday, Wonder Woman!