Marvel Age of Apocalypse Variant Covers Arriving This May!

Astonishing Ant-Man #8
Astonishing Ant-Man #8

So…the latest Marvel Press release has something to say regarding a batch of “Age of Apocalypse” variant covers. Well, I’m not going to stand in its way; I’m too busy building a bomb shelter and hiding all my anti-mutant paraphernalia.

Go forth and spread the word, Official Marvel Press Release! Tells us ALL of the IMPENDING APOCALYPSE (variant covers)!!!

New York, NY—February 10th, 2016— Enter Now…the Age of Apocalypse! As three epic APOCALYPSE WARS stories rage across the X-Men titles, new Horsemen will ride into comic shops for epic variant covers! The all-powerful Apocalypse has risen. Now, witness your favorite Marvel heroes reimagined in the style of Age of Apocalypse on over twenty blockbuster Marvel titles in May!

From Deadpool to the Guardians of the Galaxy to the Astonishing Ant-Man, witness some of the most popular Marvel heroes twisted and distorted to the will of Apocalypse! Marvel is excited to reveal the following AGE OF APOCALYPSE VARIANTS:

  • All-New X-Men #9 AOA Variant by Pasqual Ferry & Frank D’Armata
  • All-New, All-Different Avengers #9 AOA Variant by Khoi Pham & Frank D’Armata
  • Amazing Spider-Man #12 AOA Variant by Jamal Campbell
  • The Astonishing Ant-Man #8 AOA Variant by Will Sliney & Frank D’Armata
  • Captain America: Steve Rogers #1 AOA Variant by Paul Renaud
  • Guardians of the Galaxy #8 AOA Variant by Dale Keown & Jason Keith
  • Uncanny X-Men #7 AOA Variant by Ryan SookCheck them OUT!

Look for additional Age of Apocalypse Variants to grace the covers of these exciting Marvel comics throughout the month of May:

  • Black Panther #2
  • Black Widow #3
  • Captain Marvel #5
  • Daredevil #7
  • Deadpool #11
  • Doctor Strange #8
  • Extraordinary X-Men #10
  • Howard the Duck #7
  • Invincible Iron Man #9
  • Marvel #7
  • Power Man & Iron Fist #4
  • The Punisher #1
  • Spider-Gwen #8
  • Thunderbolts #1
  • The Totally Awesome Hulk #7
  • Uncanny Inhumans #8

The Age of Apocalypse comes to your favorite Marvel titles this May! Run, don’t walk to your local comic shops to get your hands on these AGE OF APOCALYPSE VARIANTS! Plus, don’t miss APOCALYPSE WARS, three epic stories coming to Extraordinary X-Men, Uncanny X-Men and All-New X-Men throughout the Spring!