Check out Our Bestselling Walking Dead Merchandise!

The Walkind Dead Season 6 Returns!

In just a few short hours The Walking Dead makes its mid-season return, running our favorite band of zombie-invasion pacifiers through the rest of season six’s especially grueling gauntlet! So, before Negan and his troop of hyper-violent acolytes begin bashing brains with barbwire-wrapped baseball bats, let’s take a look at some of our bestselling Walking Dead merchandise. I mean, it’ll be nice to remember what our favorite Walking Dead characters looked like before their faces were pummeled into balls of stringy, weeping hamburger.

It’s the Walking Dead Dixon Moonshine T-Shirt ($19.99)! Made from 100% cotton, this black t-shirt posits a potential post-apocalypse career for everyone’s favorite, laconic, leather-vested, bike riding rogue; the one and only Daryl Dixon. Yep; Daryl makes a mean ‘shine. This is especially beneficial when the only thing left to do, besides find a dependable location in which to live, clear out said location, fortify said location and produce viable farmland within said location, is gettin’ drunk on something chemically comparable to asphalt. Yup.

Walking Dead Dixon Moonshine T-Shirt!
Come and get your ‘shine! CLICK IMAGE FOR MORE DETAILS!

It’s the Walking Dead Badge Wallet ($19.99)! Made from a canvas/polyester/polyurethane bled, this bi-fold wallet features a faux Sheriff’s badge on one side, and AMC’s The Walking Dead logo on the other. Open this puppy up to an imprinted inside confirming the wallet’s owner: a law officer by the name of Rick Grimes. Yep; you too can (pretend to be) Sheriff Rick Grimes with this pretend-personalized wallet granting you a pretend-police history and make-believe leadership experience. Yup.

Walking Dead Badge Wallet
I’m the Sheriff in these here parts! CLICK IMAGE FOR MORE DETAILS!

It’s the Walking Dead Icons Women’s Sock 3-Pack ($12.99)! Made from 98% polyester and 2% spandex, this 3-pack of women’s ankle socks features the name and chosen weapon of 3 iconic Walking Dead characters. Let’s see; we have Michonne’s name with her samurai sword, Daryl’s personal logo with his crossbow, and Rick’s self-referential moniker below his…uh…six-shooter. Yep; they’re Walking Dead socks sold in packs of 3, adorned with a character’s name and weapon of choice. There’s nothing more to say here.

Walking Dead Icons Women's Sock 3-Pack
Walking Dead Icons Women’s Sock 3-Pack. CLICK IMAGE FOR MORE DETAILS!

It’s the Walking Dead Keep Calm And T-Shirt ($19.99). This black, 100% cotton t-shirt grants us rules to live by when thrust into a world overflowing with flesh-eating, land-lumbering people-sharks! Oh, it also offers advice on who to trust since, y’know, this kind of world has a habit of shaping people – and their previously dormant psychoses – in new and interesting ways.

Walking Dead Keep Calm And T-Shirt
Walking Dead Keep Calm And T-Shirt. CLICK IMAGE FOR MORE DETAILS!

For our ENTIRE selection of The Walking Dead merchandise, I suggest you follow this coded, digital pathway (link) conveniently highlighted in blue!