Follow Us on Twitter and Receive a $25.00 Gift Card!

Follow Us on Twitter and Receive a $25.00 Gift Card!

Look, we’re hilarious, informative, intelligent, and reasonably eloquent when it comes to expressing the aforementioned attributes. Well, when we’re not drunk or very angry at Zack Snyder. Or both. Anyway, The Source is the place for all your superhero/sci-fi-related news, and if you don’t know that already, we’re asking you to consider this immaculate truth by following us on Twitter and seeing (reading) for yourself.

Sure, we’re confident in our abilities to effectively “WOW” you eventually, but we’re growing a little impatient. Because of this need to upset you/enlighten you as quickly as we can, and as often as we can, we’re asking you to jump on board our ferocious, glistening, sharpened Twitter-Machine NOW. Doing this NOW, TODAY, could potentially earn you a $25 Gift Certificate for our mother-site, That’s right, entering your information below and following us on Twitter grants you an opportunity to win a $25.00 Gift Certificate!

Go! Enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

When will we be picking our winner? Well, we’ll keep this contest going from now (obviously) until April 6th. Oh, and something worth noting: you can enter once a freaking day until the end of the contest. Neat? Neat.

So, who likes The Source? YOU like The Source!