Plug into your Animus and tap into the latent genetic memories of your ancestors because we just got a brand new image from the Assassin’s Creed movie starring Michael Fassbender! We’ve seen how Magneto looks in his assassin’s regalia, but this time we now get to see the logo for the Templar’s super-secret, global spanning corporation, Abstergo!

One of the lead programmers from Ubisoft, Azaïzia Aymar, shared this picture and his thoughts: “Walking for the very first time inside of Abstergo was an amazing experience! [We make the film appeal to existing fans] by creating a new story but staying in our universe. A new experience consistent w/ our brand & DNA! Callum (Fassbender) in the modern day, and Aguilar (also Fassbender) will be his ancestor in the past.” As to the appearance of fan favorites such as Ezio or Altair, Aymar said, “It’s possible you may find some familiar faces, the movie is also helping to expand our lore.”
So there you have it! Are you excited to see the Assassin’s Creed movie? Hopefully, we’ll actually get a good video game movie! I just hope we get some wrist blades when we get the tickets. People will stay the heck away from my popcorn, that’s for sure!