Another Guardians of the Galaxy Casting Call!


Floating around the Georgia area around the end of February? Fan of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy? Can you do a little turn on the catwalk? Yeah the catwalk? Okay, so Right Said Fred reference aside, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is currently seeking ‘handsome male’ extras! Think you got what it takes? Are you entirely too sexy for that shirt? Should I stop quoting that song? Check out the official casting call below and hit the link if you are feeling lucky! If you get the job because of us, please let everybody know and if a certain song if stuck in your head, I’m sorry! Oh, and don’t feel left out ladies…there are some spots for you too! Just hit the link below!

CASTING for HANDSOME MEN – think – Think GQ magazine, Model types…, Handsome faces, good bone structure, some European looks, etc… – AGES 18 to 55, – 5’10 and over, size 36 to 44 jacket size max. – Caucasian – blonde hair especially, but all hair colors may apply – must be clean shaven or willing to be clean shaven if selected.

**This will film on Feb 18th, 25th, 26th, and 27th (all of those dates) -with a few fittings/make-up tests necessary as soon as Jan 11th** ** faces must be selected this week! . Pay rates – $100 for 8 hrs with OT after that, with an add’l $ bump for make-up applied, etc…