More Batman, Less Superman in Batman v Superman

Superman is not happy due to new edits in Batman V Superman.

Batman v Superman…minus a little Superman!

Now that the main filming of Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is complete and they are in post-production, it looks like WB is looking for more Batman and less Superman for what was originally a Man of Steel sequel!

Sources now claim that executives at Warner Brothers are so impressed with Ben Affleck’s performance of the Dark Knight that they are favoring editing cuts that highlight the Batfleck at the expense of Henry Cavill’s Superman! “Ben Affleck’s Batman is so good that he is blowing Henry Cavill’s Superman right off the screen” states rumors obtained by Heroic Hollywood.

Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck face off in Batman Vs Superman!
“Guess what Clark? It’s MY movie now!”

We’ve been hearing tons and tons of information and rumors regarding the powerful performance of Ben Affleck and how there has been a Batman standalone film fast-tracked with Affleck directing; I guess WB is feeling confident in their choice and direction for their DCEU with Batman as their flagship. What do you think of this news regarding Batman v Superman?


  1. I’m not too much of a Ben Aflleck playing Batman; fan, but I don’t mind seeing more of him rather than Superman, even though it is HIS movie.

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