Carrie Fisher’s Big Scenes in Star Wars Episode VIII Revealed

Carrie Fisher's Big Scenes in Star Wars Episode VIII Revealed
Carrie Fisher's Big Scenes in Star Wars Episode VIII Revealed
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Actress Carrie Fisher may have left us too soon, but fans took solace in the fact that she finished shooting Episode VIII before her untimely, unexpected passing. Thanks to our good friends at THR, we’ve learned some details regarding two of Carrie Fisher’s big scenes in Star Wars Episode VIII.

According to the trade, the two significant scenes include a “Leia reunion with Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) and a confrontation with Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), her son who killed Harrison Ford’s Han Solo.”

The Future of General Leia in the Star Wars Universe

Unfortunately, General Leia’s role was set to increase in Colin Trevorrow’s Episode IX, so he and Lucasfilm head Kathleen Kennedy will be meeting this week to discuss the future of General Leia in the Star Wars universe. According to the trade, the Star Wars brain-trust might simply writer her out of the film, or artificially recreate her presence with a hefty dose of CGI comparable to the Peter Cushing/Grand Moff Tarkin reproduction in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

So, what do you think? Should they write her out, reproduce her artificially, or — and I hate to even consider this — recast her with a similarly iconic actress? Sound off!


  1. Reshoot to have her die, leave her out of ix. Trying to recreate her or recast her would never work right and would feel forced or even insulting to the legacy of the character.

  2. Do not change the intended story. Recast with an iconic A list actress. And dedicate the file to Carrie Fisher. The show should go on, and Leia’s story should be told. Carrie was so much more than just Leia, and Leia transcends Carrie. My heart broke last week when she left our world. No it wont feel quite right, but altering the story or CGI are not right either. Unfortunately fate has taken ‘right’ from our world.

  3. Whatever they do, I hope they don’t just replace her with a CGI recreation. As I think Rogue One proves, even though they can do a good job, CGI cannot yet effectively replace a character entirely. Leia is too iconic. Honour and respect her memory by either writing her out somehow or recast.

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