Disney Channel Visits the Set of Captain America: Civil War!


Recently, The Disney Channel had a chance to go behind the scenes of Captain America: Civil War. Yes, this extremely short video clip (above) spends half its time on co-hosts Janelle and Blaine arguing over which side is better/happier/stronger/more ‘selfie’ oriented, but there’s still a few valuable moments spent on the set of Civil War.

One such moment shows Captain America (Chris Evans) and Bucky ‘The Winter Soldier’ Barnes (Sebastian Stan) in full super-hero gear. Could they tell Janelle anything regarding the forthcoming film? No, not really, which leads to a very quick cut to Blaine opening a door to…bunk beds? Bookshelves? A temporary mortuary? You’re leaving us with too many questions, Blaine! Anyway, Blaine has a few minutes with Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert D.J.), professes his Iron Man fandom and receives the official ‘Team Tony Handshake.’

After that, the co-hosts re-group, pressure us  to pick a side (which I will absolutely NOT do), and sign off.

And there you have it, a one-minute look that’s really a thirty-second look behind the scenes of Captain America: Civil War. Thanks, Janelle! Thanks, Blaine!

P.S. – If one applies the word ‘Hashtag’ before a sentence used to counter opinions, one swiftly nullifies the discussion and maintains the victorious opinion. Ugh.

Captain America: Civil War debuts May 6, 2016, starring Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Paul Bettany, Jeremy Renner, Don Cheadle, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Rudd, Chadwick Boseman, Emily VanCamp, Daniel Brühl, Frank Grillo, William Hurt, and Martin Freeman.