Tough times again for Marvel’s Raging Cajun! After the debacle of Wolverine: Origins and the I’m-on-the-project-I’m-off-the-project-I’m-back-on-again Channing Tatum, Gambit has hit another bump in the road by losing its director! Ugh. Starting to sound like Ant-Man isn’t it? Luckily for us, it appears that it was due to scheduling and budget concerns…or so we’ve been told. Curse you, Hollywood insiders!

Rupert Wyatt, best known for Rise of the Planet of Apes, confirmed his departure in a statement. “I was very much looking forward to working with my friend Channing and the team at Fox, but regrettably a push in the start date now conflicts with another project. I thank them for the opportunity, and I know that Gambit will make a terrific film.”
According to the source, there were some script issues which led to some delays and an increase in budget. Are you excited to see a standalone Gambit film? Have you already started brushing up on your Creole accent? What about your ability to throw cards at people. Yes? Gambit is still scheduled for an October 2016 release but that is going to require some serious turnaround on Fox’s behalf!