Geoff Johns Brings Hope to the DC Cinematic Universe

Geoff Johns Brings Hope to the DC Cinematic Universe

He literally said that. In a recent press conference somewhat unrelated to the appointment of Johns as co-head of DC Films, Johns was asked about his new role and the accompanying responsibilities. He didn’t dish an extraordinary amount of details, but he did drive home the point, repeatedly, regarding his vision for the future of DC films; according to Johns, the DC Cinematic universe was due for some much needed “hope and optimism.” That’s right; Geoff Johns brings hope to the DC Cinematic Universe!

The first target of Geoff Johns-infused hope and optimism? That would be Superman. Johns explained his take on the Man of Steel, and how he would like to see him portrayed across all forms of media.

“I think people make a mistake when they say, ‘Superman’s not relatable because he’s so powerful,’” he explained. “I’m like, ‘Are you kidding me? He’s a farmboy from Kansas who moves to the city and just wants to do the best he can with what he’s got.’ That’s the most relatable character in the world.”

Johns, formerly (or additionally?) DC Comics’ Chief Creative Officer, is the best possible person to co-head DC Films, a new Warner Brothers film division specifically formed to properly guide the DC Cinematic Universe. Think of it this way: Johns’ position is comparable to that of Marvel Studios’ Kevin Feige, the keystone of a film company’s cinematic narrative, and knowledgeable facilitator of quality control. Regarding that knowledge, Johns shared his obvious grasp on the proper portrayal of DC characters.

“There’s a lot of emotional underpinning of the characters and the stories. It’s not that people take it for granted. They’re just not as aware of it. But when it’s not there, you really feel that emptiness.”

Can Geoff Johns and the aptly titled DC Films division properly correct the DC Cinematic ship blown significantly off course by the howling gales of Batman V Superman?