Loki and Thor Talk About Ragnarok’s Humorous Tone

Hulk smashes Loki into the ground

Marvel’s Mighty God of Thunder has been having some issues finding his footing. Both Thor and Thor 2: The Dark World have their fans but also have their critics as well. A crying shame for one of the most interesting characters in the Marvel Universe but Kevin Feige and Co are looking to change that in Thor: Ragnarok. How so? Are they going to add more explosions? A giant CGI whale? Maybe a super-creepy house with that girl from the new Alice movie! Truth be told, Marvel actually tapped up and coming director Taika Waititi who is best known for his vampire-comedy What We Do in the Shadows. I wonder how that will translate into Ragnarok’s humorous tone.

Luckily for us, both Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth we are the local Philadelphia Comic Con. We at The Source were actually there and sat in on this particularly informative panel. That being said, Chris Hemsworth said of Ragnarok’s humorous tone, “Man, it is a lot of fun. I think tonally it’s a big shift in a great way, more than anything we’ve seen before. Taika Waititi, the director, if you know any of his work, yeah, he’s just an incredible sort of comedic talent. [There’s] a lot of heart in everything he does, but it’s a very different Thor, it’s a different Loki. We go off on another world that we haven’t experienced before. It’s fun you know, but that’s me skirting around the issue because I can’t say too much.” That should be an interesting pick up point considering where we last left our mighty Asgardians in Thor 2: The Dark World. You know…how Loki managed to usurp Odin and was now in charge of Asgard? That does set up a bunch of hijinks!

There was another aspect of Thor: Ragnarok besides Ragnarok’s humorous tone and that’s the appearance of the Hulk. There have been tons and tons of rumors surrounding his role to play in the third Thor movie and many points indicate a loose adaptation of Planet Hulk. That should prove interesting considering the last time Loki and Hulk were on screen the Incredible Hulk kind of beat Loki up like he was a wet towel. “Let’s not forget that it’s no secret that the Hulk shows up in Ragnarok and the last time Loki and Hulk were in the same room [it] didn’t go very well for Loki so, he’s got a few chips on his shoulder, but yeah, it’s fun, you’ll see,” said Tom Hiddleston of Raganarok. So not only is it a ‘funnier’ movie but we also get to look forward towards another Hulk/Loki throwdown? Awesome!