New Batman: Bad Blood Trailer- Lucius Fox and Batwing BLOW UP!


Yes, it’s another trailer promoting the brand new DC animated film, Batman: Bat Blood! Yes, it’s an especially trying time for Gotham City since its valiant (but kind of scary) protector vacated his self-appointed position! What happened to the seemingly invincible, nearly mythological Dark Knight? Well, no one really knows except for Batwoman, and her story isn’t very concrete or remotely reassuring. If you’re curious about Batwoman’s story, follow this link to catch Batwoman’s play-by-play regarding the apparent death of Batman!

So, what’s going on in this particular Batman: Bad Blood trailer? Well, it’s focusing on Lucius Fox in the midst of making technological modifications on a certain piece of Bat-themed equipment. Foreshadowing? Of course!

Enter his son, Luke Fox, who deduced some time ago his father’s special, Bat-related, technical contributions. Smart kid, that Luke Fox. Of course, Lucius brought him to work multiple times over the course of 15+ years, so I’m sure he witnessed quite a few things out of the ordinary. I mean, at age 3, he had a car seat bolted to a Batmobile prototype. Yup.

And then….BOOM! EXPOLSION! Enter Tusk, Firefly and a bunch of Gotham’s especially frightful ne’er do wells. OH, NO! Will the Fox males survive? Guess we’ll have to wait until January 19th or February 2nd? Why?? Because that’s when Bad Blood will be available to stream/rent/purchase on Blu-Ray!

Batman: Bad Blood will be available for digital HD streaming on January 19th, and Blu-Ray Combo Pack on February 2nd! YAY!

Batman: Bad Blood stars Jason O’Mara as Batman, Sean Maher as Nightwing, Yvonne Strahovski as Batwoman, Stuart Allan as Damian Wayne/Robin, Morena Baccarin as Talia al Ghul, Gaius Charles as Luke Fox/Batwing and Ernie Hudson as Lucius Fox!