New Wonder Woman International Trailer Dials up the Action


Well, we can finally say it: The Wonder Woman movie, starring the breathtaking Gal Gadot, debuts THIS YEAR! Yep, on June 2nd, Wonder Woman spins her tragic tale and details her first meeting with the menace that is mankind! So, as a gracious reminder of Wonder Woman’s forthcoming — and second — cinematic debut, Warner Bros. released a Russian trailer last night showing a few fleeting seconds of additional footage in a much tighter rendition of the very last trailer. Look up, press play, and enjoy the holy hell out of it.

New Wonder Woman International Trailer Dials up the Action
Wear THIS, and maybe you get a Russian trailer!

So, a bunch of us decided that we’re going to keep our fingers crossed until June 2nd. Why? Because the last 2 DC/WB films, Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad, exist in a vacillating state somewhere between “ugh” and “awesome.” Yes, we’re really hoping the Patty Jenkins-helmed Wonder Woman film ditches the “trend” and coughs up a unanimously appreciated DC film that might mitigate the reactionary stone-throwing instigated by BvS and Suicide Squad. C’mon, Wonder Woman, we’re rooting for you.

Based on the legendary character created by William M. Marston, Wonder Woman is Directed by Patty Jenkins and written by Jason Fuchs, starring Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Connie Nielsen, Robin Wright, and Lisa Loven Kongsli. Wonder Woman hits theaters, Minotaurs, Centaurs and possibly Ares on June 2, 2017!