Rogue One Director Wants to See YOUR Star Wars Fan Film!

Rogue One Director Wants to See YOUR Star Wars Fan Film!

It’s time to finally film that Star Wars movie you’ve been mulling over and storyboarding across innumerable pizza boxes over the last 8 years. The one where you’ve completely figured out how to utilize an AT-AT in outer space, and how to create the perfect reproduction of Degobah with only a few hundred cardboard boxes and your pop-pop’s rusting fishing boat currently capsized in a mossy, murky, above-ground pool. Yes, it’s finally time to make the damn thing. Why? Because, beyond showing your friends and having a few laughs over countless bottles of liquor, you can actually submit it to the 2016 Star Wars Fan Film Awards and (potentially) win yourself some pretty neato Star Wars swag. Who’s judging your masterpiece or deriding your duct tape-constructed catastrophe? Why, that would be Rogue One Director, Gareth Edwards, along with Co-Producer, John Schwartz. Yep, the Rogue One Director wants to see your Star Wars fan film and says as much in the following video:

Now, a few things worth noting:

1. First, an apology. I should have said something a little sooner; they’re currently accepting submissions, but only until April 24th. So, hurry up. When you’re finished, go to this particular page to begin the submission process.

2. This page tells you everything you need to know, including the types of submissions they’re looking for, the submission duration (5 minutes), and the specific Award Categories (Filmmaker Select, Best Animation, Best Non-Fiction, Spirit of Fandom, Best Comedy, Best Visual Effects, and Audience Choice).

3. The Prize(s)? A Star Wars Prize Pack consisting of Star Wars-themed merchandise, a limited edition print of Star Wars concept art autographed by the artist, and a commemorative trophy!

A trophy? Wait, doesn’t EVERYONE get a trophy? Sorry, I heard that was a thing these days.

Okay, future filmmaker, the time is now! Enter your immaculate, completely interpretive Star Wars fan film TODAY!